Fernando Marcheselli

Fullstack Web Developer

Work Experience - iOS/Lead Frontend Dev

March 2016 - February 2017

  • Lead frontend developer managing a team of three with back/frontend tasks
  • Worked on majority of the frontend features for the iOS and Web apps
  • Utilized dokku for heroku like deploying to AWS, Sentry for error reporting
  • Launched iOS app early Sept 2016, web in December 2016
  • Since lauch user marketplace base is steadily growing, and updates are made to accomodate client needs
  • react, react-native, redux, dokku, sentry, apphub - Fullstack Dev

March 2015 - December 2015

  • Worked with team of four on captive wifi device managed thru web ui
  • Optimize analytics data to handle scale. Used to find and patch performance bottlenecks
  • Built subscription system with stripe for handling monthly payment
  • meteor, mongodb, python, raspberry-pi - Fullstack Dev

2014 - February 2016

  • Work with small team for artist clients requiring minimal, responsive design focused sites
  • Lead developer for created a suite of react components along with a django admin and JSON API. Utilized BEM css naming convention and ES6 classes to modularize react components
  • setup django admin with JSON API for client side angular
  • wrote scripts for importing huge collection of art books. Setup e-commerce and payment using braintree, built with django
  • More artist sites: Kim Mccarty, Linda Stark, Karyn Lovegrove, Joseph Kohnke
  • django, react - Fullstack Dev


  • Internship started writing unit and integration test to ensure a good code coverage while undergoing major refactor to bring product to market
  • Implemented subscription, social media, and daily message models
  • Worked with designer in a complete redesing of site
  • rails, postgresql, heroku

Mechanical Design Engineer

Electric Mirror

2011 - 2012

Maxon Lift Company

2007 - 2010

Peterbilt Motor Company

2005 - 2007

  • Previous career as mechanincal engineer worked on design of heavy duty truck parts and custom mirrors
  • My time working here has fortified my ability to create and plan products with mass production intent while maintaining quality thru its lifecycle


B.S., Mechanical Engineering, Louisiana State University

2000 - 2004

  • turbomachinery, finite element analysis

Technical Skills


javascript ruby python


react, react-native, redux, django, rails, meteor, express, postgres, mongodb, heroku, docker, dokku


Co-host of Produce a monthly hacknight held at my place.